How to Prevent flood, Best options for farmers

How can flood-prone farmers and businesses like you reduce the risk of floods? According to the World Resources Institute, River floods affect 21 million people each year. The impact of flood on agriculture includes poor farm yields, and income on livestock, crop, and fish farming. Most of those victims are in food-insecure regions of Asia…

Which Fencing Plants in Kenya Make the Best Hedges

Are you a homeowner or landscaper looking for the best plants for the safe life fences? In our list, we have listed ten of the best ones that are widely used in Kenya’s rural and urban areas.
They are loved for their privacy, safety from trespass, security and beautiful hedges?

Agribyte: How Ardhisasa land system works

Farmers in Kenya can now easily search, buy, lease and sell a piece of land on a real-time basis. It’s after the launch of the ardhisasa, a national land information management system (NLIMS). The paperless system aim is to enhance efficiency and reduce transaction time and “facilitation fees” to middlemen in land transactions. A pilot…

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