Which are the Best Finance Sources for Businesses in Kenya?

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore various sources of finance tailored to the unique needs of farmers and other agriculture businesses in Kenya. Are you a farmer, herder, food, or inputs trader looking for cheap finance for your business idea? Access to capital is rated as the key challenge affecting businesses in Kenya and largely…

Which are the Best Rice Seed Varieties in Kenya

Are you looking for certified rice seeds to grow on your farm? This post will give you a list of the top 17 rice varieties in Kenya. We will classify them into 3 recommended growing areas; irrigated lowland, rainfed lowland, and the rainfed upland varieties.  According to the KEPHIS National Rice Variety List, there were…

Which are the best Indigenous Trees in Kenya?

Are you searching for the best native trees in Kenya? Indigenous trees are planted for their ecological and cultural significance. While not as extensively commercialized, indigenous tree farming contributes to biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration efforts. The Indigenous compound trees like the Nandi Flame will give you many benefits. Apart from giving your home that…

Secrets of How You Can Grow money on trees

Are commercial trees growing in Kenya profitable? In this post, we give you the secrets of tree farming you should know. Tree planting is a profitable agribusiness idea providing jobs and income for millions of Kenyans. Tree planting has many benefits for you. Apart from improving your surroundings, they provide food and shelter for humans,…

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