Will COVID-19 have a good impact on food markets

Every cloud has a silver lining. This is true to the current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. It was first reported in Wuhan, China in December 2019. To date, the viral disease has affected over 1.3 million people in over 200 countries according to the John Hopkins COVID-19 tracker. In Kenya, there are 184 confirmed cases, 7…

Will COVID 19 destroy Agriculture in Kenya?

History has taught us that every tragedy has long-lasting repercussions.  Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic won’t be different. It was first reported in a wet meat market in Wuhan, China, in December 2019.  To date, the disease has spread globally in all continents. It has affected over 1.4 million people in over 200 countries according to a…

Top 7 Food and Agriculture trends to watch in 2024

What are the new agriculture trends in Kenya to watch this year? Events in the last year and a review of events in the first two months of 2024, reveals the key trends to watch. The main aim of these changes will be ensuring food safety and profitability for farmers, ranchers, traders and consumers.  To…

Which are the New Farming Technologies in 2024?

What are the best 5 farming ideas for individuals and agribusinesses Post Covid-19 pandemic? we explore urban farming & home gardening, use of drones, robots, and driver-less tractors and growing e-Commerce and digital marketing in sale of farm inputs and produce.

Is spinach farming in Kenya really profitable?

In this profit analysis, we determine the expected income for spinach farming in Kenya. We use the gross margin analysis method to get total revenues from an average price per Kilogram and total yields per acre. We deduct all costs of production such as the cost of farm inputs and labor to determine the gross…

How can you make more farmers profits in Kenya?

Agriculture marketing is the key challenge for smallholder farmers in Kenya  As a result, farmers profits are low while the post-harvest food losses are high. Farmers lack access to markets, buyers, demand and prices. Their investments in transport and processing are low. They act individually, limiting their bargaining power and influence in the market. They end up relying on…