Agrinews 254: Top Agribusiness News this Week

What happened in the agriculture and food industry in Kenya, Africa and the world last week? This blog post will highlight the top and agribusiness news and headlines . In April week of 4th to 11th 2021 the following were four trending headlines from agriculture and business news. Eat’N’Go enters Kenya’s Market Contaminated chicken and…

How to Grow more safe food using organic Farming

This post addresses what you need to know about organic farming. It includes types, benefits and how you can raise crops and livestock organically in Kenya. Besides, there are tips for high yields for profitable organic farming and for home gardeners who are seeking self-sufficiency.

How to guarantee food safety beyond COVID-19

Can COVID-19 measures such as quarantine, social distancing and hand-washing improve our food safety? Explore 12 lessons you can execute on your home, farm, ranch or pack-house.
They are in animal health management, safe crop protection and enhanced bio-security. for quality farm yields, safer goods and higher profits.

Why You should Consider Urban Farming in 2024

Urban farming has many benefits to individuals, communities and companies.  As an urbanite, you can grow vegetables and fruits right in boxes placed on your backyard. You can raise small livestock such as goats, rabbits and chicken for meat, milk and egg production. You can use these for self-consumption and sell the extra. This is…