How to Make Compost; Expert Guide

Composting is one of the best ways to recycle kitchen scraps, yard waste, and other organic materials into nutrient-rich soil for your garden. This organic fertilizer improves soil health, boosts plant growth, and reduces waste, making it a must-do for any eco-conscious gardener. And the best part? You can make compost right in your backyard…

12 Best Natural And Organic Fertilizers For Home Gardeners

Want to grow a lush, thriving garden without relying on chemicals? Organic fertilizers are the secret to healthier plants and a greener environment. In this guide, we’ll dive into some top options like compost, bone meal, and fish emulsion—easy-to-source, natural alternatives that will give your plants the boost they need while keeping your gardening eco-friendly.…

Which are the Best Soil Testing kits in Kenya

Good soil quality is basic for high crop yields, performance and profitability. To determine soil health, you need a soil test. This will help you to determine its type, PH (acidity or alkalinity value), organic matter content, drainage, texture, mineral composition and texture. Besides, a soil testing or analysis is beneficial in detecting soil contamination…

Why Agriculture Lime will give you better harvests

Are you looking to increase your crop harvests? Soil testing and use of agricultural lime to reduce soil acidity might be your answer. According to recent studies, 13% of soils in Kenya’s and 29% in the sub-Saharan Africa[i] are acidic. In this post, you will learn about soil acidity in Kenya, soil testing benefits and…

Ultimate guide to Best fertilizer per crop in Kenya

 Are you searching for the best fertilizer to use for each plant or crop in Kenya? This guide lists the recommended fertilizer application rates for vegetables, cereals, and cash crops like tea, coffee, and sugarcane. The post has the best fertilizer for the most profitable fruit trees such as avocado, mango, and citrus fruit trees.…

Where to buy the Best Quality fertilizer in Kenya

Are you looking for the best quality fertilizer for sale in Kenya? This post will give you a list of fertilizer companies in Kenya. They include Yara, MEA and Copia. They are in the business of making and/ or distributing foliar, chemical and organic fertilizer in the region. The fertilizers are fit for planting and…

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