Best Food Delivery Apps in 2021
In this post, you will learn the benefits of using a food app like Uber eats and Glovo. Besides, it gives you a list of the 8 best local and international mobile apps available for use in Kenya.
In-Depth Insights on Modern Agriculture, Sustainable Farming, Livestock husbandry and Crop Management –Your Ultimate Agricultural Resource
In this post, you will learn the benefits of using a food app like Uber eats and Glovo. Besides, it gives you a list of the 8 best local and international mobile apps available for use in Kenya.
Are you looking for the best quality of chicken breeds to rear in your farm in Kenya? In this post, we will give you a list of the best quality broilers, layers and dual-purpose chicken types. In the analysis we, compare the qualities of the exotic meat and egg chicken birds for you. Besides you…
o you want to become a rich farmer or agribusiness? You need to start by developing a sound business model. Among other things, it will help you to define your vision (why you exist) and mission (how to achieve your goals)
Are you looking for the fastest growing fruit trees in Kenya? Kenya is among the largest exporters of fruits and fresh produce in the world. Her fruits like Avocadoes makes her farmers billions of foreign income each year. In this list we will give you 10 most profitable fruit tree to plant in Kenya. For…
Are you wondering if potatoes farming in Kenya is really profitable? In this analysis, we will look at the estimated revenues, costs and profits you can get for growing the Shangi potato variety using the cost and benefit analysis. The guide concludes with tips to deal with the challenges of potato farming in Kenya. Potato…
What happened in the agriculture and food industry in Kenya, Africa and the world last week? This blog post will highlight the top and agribusiness news and headlines . In April week of 4th to 11th 2021 the following were four trending headlines from agriculture and business news. Eat’N’Go enters Kenya’s Market Contaminated chicken and…
Are you searching for the best fertilizer to use for each plant or crop in Kenya? This guide lists the recommended fertilizer application rates for vegetables, cereals, and cash crops like tea, coffee, and sugarcane. The post has the best fertilizer for the most profitable fruit trees such as avocado, mango, and citrus fruit trees.…
Around 4 million Kenyans work and study in the diaspora. Some of them can be successful investors in the food and agriculture industry back at home. But which are the best ideas they can invest their money, time and effort considering they are absent from the country most times of the year? This article will…
Learn all that you need to know about chemical and organic fertilizers in Kenya including types, brands and prices
Are you looking for the best quality fertilizer for sale in Kenya? This post will give you a list of fertilizer companies in Kenya. They include Yara, MEA and Copia. They are in the business of making and/ or distributing foliar, chemical and organic fertilizer in the region. The fertilizers are fit for planting and…