Which are the new farming challenges in Africa
Learn how COVID-19 pandemic, desert LOCUSTS invasion and CLIMATE CHANGE challenges have affected agriculture in East Africa. Besides, learn tips to mitigate those risks
In-Depth Insights on Modern Agriculture, Sustainable Farming, Livestock husbandry and Crop Management –Your Ultimate Agricultural Resource
Learn how COVID-19 pandemic, desert LOCUSTS invasion and CLIMATE CHANGE challenges have affected agriculture in East Africa. Besides, learn tips to mitigate those risks
What are the best 5 farming ideas for individuals and agribusinesses Post Covid-19 pandemic? we explore urban farming & home gardening, use of drones, robots, and driver-less tractors and growing e-Commerce and digital marketing in sale of farm inputs and produce.
In this profit analysis, we determine the expected income for spinach farming in Kenya. We use the gross margin analysis method to get total revenues from an average price per Kilogram and total yields per acre. We deduct all costs of production such as the cost of farm inputs and labor to determine the gross…
Agriculture marketing is the key challenge for smallholder farmers in Kenya As a result, farmers profits are low while the post-harvest food losses are high. Farmers lack access to markets, buyers, demand and prices. Their investments in transport and processing are low. They act individually, limiting their bargaining power and influence in the market. They end up relying on…
Why do pesticides fail to work at times on your farm? Crop protection is necessary to get quality yields. Farmers use different means of pest control, including applying pesticides, integrated pest management (IPM) practices and biological pest control products to destroy pests. Pesticide use is one of the most efficient. However, this may be costly…
Learn factors to consider while selecting good, quality certified seed and settle on the best variety to plant in your farm. consider yield maturity, hybrid seeds, resistance, price, company reputation among other factors.
How can you reduce your exposure to pesticide poisoning as a farmer, chemical handler or consumer? learn various tips like using bio-pesticides, wearing PPEs, growing your own food and observing GAPs and IPM.
Is Kale farming in Kenya profitable? In this post, we will use a simple cost and benefit analysis to estimate the money you make as well as the costs, sales and profits of farming sukuma wiki vegetable. The post assumes one acre under open-field and rain fed kale farming. “Sukuma wiki” as kales are commonly…
In this article, we discuss biological control and other safe methods to control schistocerca gregaria invasion. These include; use of neem oil, metarhizium bio-pesticide and natural predators such as chicken. other measures are planting trees and cover crops, making locust traps and harvesting them for human and livestock consumption.
Are you looking for the best traditional, or African leafy vegetables in Kenya?There is a high and growing demand for Kenya’s indigenous vegetables, or “mboga kienyeji vegetables as they are commonly known. The key ones include amaranth (Terere), spider plant (Sagaa), and African nightshade (managu) among others. They are rich in flavor and are packed…