What is Urban Farming? See how easily you can start

This post focusses on what is urban farming and types of urban agriculture like vertical and zero-acreage farming to show how you can do it as an individual or a group. 30.8 per cent (14.7 million people) of Kenyans live in towns according to the 2019 census results by KNBS. Between the years 2030–2040, the…

How to make money providing agriculture machines in Kenya

Can the low use of agriculture machines across Africa be a profitable business idea for you? The adoption of mechanization in agriculture can boost farmers’ yields and profits along with time and cost savings. However, poverty makes it economically unfeasible for many small-scale farmers to purchase, hire, or lease expensive equipment independently The solution is…

6 ways to make money in climate smart agriculture

Are you looking on ways to solve climate change risks such as floods and droughts and make money while at it? You can promote climate smart agriculture (CSA) to mitigate farmers incomes and yields despite facing droughts and flooding. Climate smart agriculture methods include irrigation, growing animal fodder and agroforestry among others. Each of these…