How to make and use a Crop Calendar

Are you looking to reap the best prices and profits from your farm? The use of a crop calendar can be a game changer. It will help you to prepare land, plant, manage, harvest and sell your crops on time when prices are highest. In this post learn how to make and use a cropping…

Where to buy the best water pumps in Kenya?

Looking to buy the best water pumps in Kenya—whether solar, petrol, or diesel? Around 83% of land in Kenya is arid or semi-arid (ASAL). The farmers and herders in those counties face occasional droughts and overgrazing challenges. A 2016 study shows that drip irrigation can increase crop yields by up to 7 times in Kenya. it will…

What you need to know about agriculture projects?

Agcenture is launching a new segment on topics covering sustainable agriculture projects. As a preeminent consulting firm in the area, we will share our best practices, learning and experiences working in Kenya. We are an advisory firm offering business development services for business services for development partners funding, executing or partnering urban gardening projects, community…

Best Vine Vegetables for your organic home garden

While selecting the best vegetables to grow, choose the crop with the most benefits for yields, food and nutrition. One way to get this right is growing a garden plant that you can use its different parts like shoots, fruits and roots. Vine vegetables are a crop you should try this season. In our post,…

How to observe Good agriculture practices in your farm

The desire to succeed is an inherent human value for good health or wealth goals. Farming as a hobby and home gardening to grow safe food can help you in abundant living. Besides, profitable farming can give you more income. In this article, we give you 20 tips for successful farming in 2021 What does…

Best farmer associations to join in Kenya

Kenya has robust farmer associations from grassroots to national levels. Locally, they have village self-help or farmer groups. They use them to bargain for better prices and terms with suppliers and buyers. At higher levels, they join cooperatives or associations. It helps them in representation, lobbying and self-regulation. Besides, they are crucial in engagement with…