18 best farming guides for profitable farming in Kenya

agricultural country side with green corn and hillsides

This post has 18 ultimate farming guides in Kenya

Are you looking to succeed in commercial farming in Kenya? Being empowered with timely information can help you make better farming decisions. You can rely on this to seek land, access farming loans, and choose the best farming technology thereby getting more yields and income.

Agcenture gives you all the relevant information you need to know to become a profitable farmer. We focus on various topics such as accessing farming land, settling for the best crop for your farm, financing sources, etc.

This free guide is updated annually. You can access each topic by clicking on the subheadings provided below. Besides, you can contact us for a PDF guide.

This post helps you on how to get started, farm management, and finally how to market your produce

How to establish a profitable farming start-up

#1 Agriculture Rules & Regulations in Kenya

This is a policy compendium that gives you a summary of Kenya’s laws and regulations on the agriculture sector. They include the Constitution of Kenya, strategies, policies, and statutes.

The laws with the most impact include the Agricultural Sector Transformation and Growth Strategy (ASTGS), County Integrated Development Plans (IDPs), and the Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Authority Act, 13 of 2013 among others. Understanding and applying them will minimize the compliance risk and help you run a legal business outfit. To see other rules see them here.

#2 Buying Land in Kenya

In this guide, learn how to find, lease, or buy land in Kenya. You will explore the factors to consider when you are looking for a productive farming land. Since most land transactions in Kenya are done online, in a separate guide, learn how Ardhisasa, the national land information system works.

#3 Agro-ecological Zones in Kenya

Your farm’s productivity is influenced by your region’s climate, altitude, and soil conditions. You can analyze the ones in your areas by understanding your area’s agroecological zone (AEZ) This guide will help you in seed selection, fertilizer application, and pest control among others. Though there are 3 classification systems, they are similar in identifying, highland potential areas, ASAl areas, and coastal lowlands. Learn your AEZ to make more informed farming decisions.

#4 How to choose the best seeds for your farm

To be successful in farming as a business, it’s good to settle for the crop or crop or livestock value chain with maximum financial benefits. This guide helps you to analyze and choose what to produce. In addition, you can see the priority agriculture value chains in each of Kenya’s counties to enjoy cheaper advice and support from your county government officers and Agriculture NGOs operating in your region

#5 Sources for finances for farmers in Kenya

Are you seeking for cheap source of money to fund your farming business?  In the best sources of finance for agribusiness in Kenya you will learn where you can easily access free or cheap interest loans and grants to finance your farm like One-acre fund, Agri wallet, commercial bank loans, and government subsidies among others.

#6 Livestock and Crop Insurance in Kenya

In this guide know the various livestock and crop insurance products and services available in Kenya.  They include the subsidized Kenya Livestock insurance program where you can enjoy cheaper premiums. Besides, you will get to learn about the best insurance companies offering agriculture insurance in Kenya.

#7 Risks Facing Agriculture in Kenya

What are the key challenges likely to face your farming business? This guide will help you to develop a risk mitigation matrix for your agribusiness investment. In a separate guide, you can opt for various tactics to avoid failure as a startup farmer.

#8 Where to access quality agriculture information in Kenya

Learn about the most trustworthy sources of online farming information in Kenya like agriculture blogs, YouTube channels, Facebook pages, etc. Armed with relevant and timely information, you can learn from other gurus helping you to grow and produce like a pro.

Farm Management Guides & Resources

#9 How to create and use a farm budget

Wondering how much money you can make from your agribusiness? Whether you’re in farming, food processing, or agriculture consulting you can use our farm costs and profits calculator guide. This guide helps you to estimate your farm profits or make a gross marginal analysis (GMA) for any crop, livestock, or poultry enterprise using the cost-benefits analysis method. You will identify the expenses, and sales and assign value to them.

 #10 How to make and use a cropping calendar

A crop calendar will help in planning for activities raising a certain crop or livestock product. It outlines all the money, inputs, and labor requirements allowing for efficient coordination, production, and profits.

#11 How to track weather in Kenya for Free

Learn about the Kenya Agricultural Advisory Platform (KAOP). The free platform will give you real-time rainfall and temperature measurements for each ward in Kenya. These will help you in crop management activities like spraying and harvesting.

#12 Keeping farm records for higher farm profits

Learn all you need to know about farm record keeping such as types of frequency. Besides you will know how you can easily utilize computerized information systems and smart mobile phones for cheap record keeping.

#13 How to select the best planting seeds

Kenya has many seed varieties and cultivars for each crop. In this guide, learn how to select the best variety to realize the highest yields and profits by comparing maturity periods, yields per acre, etc. Besides, learn about Kenya’s free seed selection app, the mbegu choice platform.

#14 Best fertilizer for each crop In Kenya

Learn the types and amounts of fertilizers you need to apply as planting and top-dressing fertilizers for maize, tomato, beans, tea, and any other crop grown in Kenya. You will also learn about prices and sources or where to buy chemical and organic fertilizers in Kenya.

How to Succeed in Agriculture Marketing

#15 Good Agricultural Practices (GAPS)

Learn the good agriculture practices (Gaps) to follow and get certified to access the export market. The guide has tips on land preparation, Integrated pest management, crop nutrition, harvesting, and post-harvest management ideas.

 #16 Contracted farming for higher profits

As a farmer, you can earn more profits by working in a contracted farming scheme. Learn how contracted farming works and various companies in Kenya with export out-grower schemes.

 #17 Best horticulture crops for the export market

Learn the best vegetable and fruit crops to grow in Kenya for extra profits from the export market. They are sweet corn, green beans, green peas, lettuce etc.

# 18 Best Agricultural associations and cooperatives to join in Kenya

Access a list of the most active and efficient agricultural associations in Kenya. As a member of a national farming association such as the KENAFF, you can access better prices for your farm products, cheaper farm inputs, and have an input on making the agribusiness environment in Kenya better.  

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